Category: Android

  • Never again

    Never again

    Currently ranking as the hardest and most frustrating puzzle completed – the Lego Heads puzzle from a month ago was finally completed… The only one harder that I’ve seen is “the Black” puzzle – which was started, never completed, and never claimed. No one has owned up to gifting it – nor does anyone remember…

  • Meatloaf and Potatoes .. twice baked

    Meatloaf and Potatoes .. twice baked

    Yesterday’s post about the loaf had some potatoes baking as well. The little gourmands here absolutely love twice baked potatoes – pretty sure something I first encountered working at the Marcum Conference Center in college. Anyway, take those cooked baked potatoes, scrape them out, mash with cheese and whatever else you want – jam back…

  • Meatloaf, Feetloaf

    Meatloaf, Feetloaf

    When you are making meatloaf but realize it won’t be done in time for those who NEED dinner.. you could make a smaller loaf, or use a muffin tin for tiny muffin-loaf things, or make meatballs. But lately I’ve enjoyed making.. FEETLOAF. They cook fast, and make things a little more interesting. Shape some loaf-mix…

  • Another happy place

    Another happy place

    These “60 degrees in Winter” days need to be enjoyed!

  • JUST egg.. part deux!

    JUST egg.. part deux!

    As noted in JUST Egg. But not.. fake eggs are not quite right. After mediocre enjoyment, I explored the JUST brand a bit further – and tried these frozen egg ‘folds’ next. How do ya cook it, you ask? In the toaster. Like toast. Except yeah, its mung bean egg substance. It cooks in the…

  • A happy place

    A happy place

    Even on a cloudy day – a beanbag by the storm door is THE place to be.

  • JUST Egg. But not.

    JUST Egg. But not.

    For some time, unknown foods have caused some unsettledness for Kim. We assumed it was classics like ice cream, or eggplant, or broccoli. While she was down and out with her knee reconstruction, a Food Sensitivity test seemed like a good activity to find some answers. Well, EGGS look to be one of the top…

  • Air-fried Steak

    Air-fried Steak

    Did I put Snake River Farms wagyu tenderloin pieces (thanks Douglas) into an air fryer? Yup. And I’d do it again!. Spoiler alert, its not fried. Its more like.. broiled at all angles. I’ve done this a few times with steak pieces – strangely at the recommendation of one of Noah’s friends. The finished product:…

  • That plumbing, final state.

    That plumbing, final state.

    Not my standard style of photo to post here, but it sure is a pleasing one. For those who endured the lack of bathroom sink, it is the best home improvement of 2024 so far. The story begins in 2010 – there used to be a pedestal sink here. Sometime in COVID times, I lost…

  • Crocus time

    Crocus time

    First blooms in the garden here are part of a fairly large blanket of crocuses. Quite a few are in the yard as well – quite a harmless invader to the lawn.

  • Dear Plumbing

    Dear Plumbing

    I hate you. This fixture in particular, never made sense to me. Turns out it does twist off, but I never could figure that out. Too weak, too scared to break a critical pipe, and or too fed up with all things plumbing! Fixing a handle on a vanity turns into a busted and clogged…

  • Doing it Wrong

    Doing it Wrong

    I got some new shoes. One might say they are very comfortable..