Author: pete

  • Breakfast Adventures

    Breakfast Adventures

    At some point in the last year I started trying to figure out how to get all parts of an egg sandwich into one component. In a later version, cheese is incorporated, adding grease and crispy goodness. Retrospectively, cheese on top of all this, then a flip, could have worked very well. Instead, bacon, egg…

  • Cue the Pinball Machine

    Cue the Pinball Machine

    The Exploder (built in 11/2007) continues its march through the decades – check out that mileage. Can’t not think of this classic Sesame Street song:

  • A day in.. a life with a broken arm

    A day in.. a life with a broken arm

    Really exciting stuff. A break from screens for.. a Zoom piano “lesson” – hard to play with the sling and cast and all. And back to screens..

  • Medicine for all

    Medicine for all

    Everyone needs a little medicine when there’s a broken arm in the mix.

  • Its not easy being.. derpy

    Its not easy being.. derpy

    One must find the sun, hope it aligns with a double stacked LL Bean bed, achieve a zen-like pose, HOLD that pose, and reach inner peace. Or, just look like a possum playing dead on the side of the road.

  • Its a Mass-a-chew-setts thing.

    Its a Mass-a-chew-setts thing.

    A famed ‘hot roast beef’. Some places do it exceptionally well – like the very unassuming Chelmsford Pizza. This sandwich is a good reason to go into the office occasionally. Pictured here, a classic “three way” or “super”. American cheese, bbq sauce and mayo on freshly shaved roast beef, piled high. You “should” get it…

  • Space, man

    Space, man

    So cool. Also, phone camera technology is just amazing sometimes!

  • One leaf, all the colors

    One leaf, all the colors

    The veins or whatever are especially cool on this oak leaf hydrangea.

  • Bed Upgrade

    Bed Upgrade

    Noah’s crib-converted to full bed has finally been retired. Got this number from Wayfair – built in shelves, power, customizable lighting and underbed storage. And a new pillow and mattress. Not too shabby for a 12yr old.

  • Jealous Dog

    Jealous Dog

    Someone wants a puffy coat.

  • Watch, Dog

    Watch, Dog

    Err.. dog watching. Squirrels marauding the pumpkins on day 2. Apparently not that interesting to Imara. The damage continues:

  • Rough Night, Jack

    Rough Night, Jack

    Halloween melted this pumpkin’s face off! Oh wait, no it did not. Another reason we only carve pumpkins on the 30th. Totally unphased by all the skeles, too – bold squirrel!