Category: Mobile

  • Head scratcher

    Head scratcher

    Found this on the grill cover (which has been off the grill for a bit too long, clearly!). Some kind of tiny wasp, maybe? Something crawled 30 miles to my house from the ocean? Dunno.

  • Thunder Buddies

    Thunder Buddies

    Big summer storm blew through – Mara did not appreciate it, so donned her Thunder Shirt. Willy more excited for the storm also tried to keep the dog from melting down.

  • Dog Knows

    Dog Knows

    Noah was away at camp for 2 weeks – Imara either enjoyed access to the plush rug, or stood there wondering where he was. Who nose!

  • Google Then and Now

    Google Then and Now

    I guess it matched on Willy squinting, and the day being the 14th of the month. Ok, AI.

  • Why do we do this

    Why do we do this

    McDonalds – some form of chicken sandwich, great tasting for 5 minutes, then hours of stomach gurgling. Yuck. And yuck.

  • Hibiscus


    A neighbor has a couple of these that really put on an amazing show all summer. I’ve looked them up so many times that I know the breed. Just need to get to the garden center in the Spring!

  • Air Willy

    Air Willy

    He has grand dreams of dunking. Or flying. Or both. The rest of that dive:

  • A Long Project

    A Long Project

    What am I doing? Modernizing a dinosaur truck that just clobbered a deer and is rusting out? Yep. And what an adventure. Installing a backup camera is a bit complex. You have to route the camera from the outside of the car, inside, which requires removal of all kinds of parts. In this process, I…

  • A Nook

    A Nook

    Just needed a tiny bit of privacy I guess. Or, just sticking her face somewhere strange, as usual.

  • Spider Flower

    Spider Flower

    I took this because a neighbor has these things growing in their garden, and they are awesome. Super tall, long lasting and apparently bugs aren’t eating them. After some digging, found they are awfully named Spider Flowers. Beyond the name though, nothing strange going on. In fact as I write this, on 9/29 (yeah I…

  • Lucky Bee

    Lucky Bee

    It was a strange Summer for gardening. Few things survived, despite generally OK weather. Too many rodents, bugs and basketballs terminated many plants this year. Some new black-eyed susans survived the relentless onslaught – and this bee hit the jackpot.

  • Crane!


    I like nature, but tree removal is always something that gives me joy. And I won’t lie, its probably the awesome machinery that is involved, more than anything else. While this was not my own tree removal, that same crane did great things here back in 2018 or so.