Category: Mobile

  • From the Boardwalk

    From the Boardwalk

    The kids’ new school is part of the “Boardwalk Campus”. We literally use a boardwalk to access it from the neighborhood. It looks nice, and provides some nice views over the water. On the downside, it has flooded a few times. It has even flooded AND frozen – beyond treacherous. Makes things a little difficult!

  • Eye of a dinosaur

    Eye of a dinosaur

    Inspired by an old pic that I have always liked, to show new LED amber light. Even with the fancy bulb, I still like the older attempt: View them side by side: to see the perspective difference.

  • The first forsythia

    The first forsythia

    Well, back on 3/20 it was. As you read this they are popping open all over the place.

  • Night Mode

    Night Mode

    Some great colors somewhere between the moon and the clouds.

  • Springy stuff
  • Irish Roots

    Irish Roots

    My genetics say I’m 59% British & Irish. So – I am obligated to make soda bread on 3/17 right? It didn’t look as good as the recipe at Food & Wine but proved to be terrific smothered in butter. Shocker! Oh and here’s a St. Patrick’s Day throwback..

  • Not pictured – cheese

    Not pictured – cheese

    Having a delicacy like Taylor Ham available at 2 of the grocery stores I visit (I visit quite a few, I won’t lie!) makes weekends salty in a great way. THE&C never gets the stink eye! This batch was distributed on Bays English Muffins, with some sliced cheddar and Sriracha. Kim’s was served with another…

  • Colorful fire

    Colorful fire

    Don’t know what’s in these logs, but they sure but on a show.

  • Fire roasted

    Fire roasted

    Such a common marketing term for food lately. Well here’s a real example! Peppers on the grill for fajitas.

  • Never again

    Never again

    Currently ranking as the hardest and most frustrating puzzle completed – the Lego Heads puzzle from a month ago was finally completed… The only one harder that I’ve seen is “the Black” puzzle – which was started, never completed, and never claimed. No one has owned up to gifting it – nor does anyone remember…

  • Meatloaf and Potatoes .. twice baked

    Meatloaf and Potatoes .. twice baked

    Yesterday’s post about the loaf had some potatoes baking as well. The little gourmands here absolutely love twice baked potatoes – pretty sure something I first encountered working at the Marcum Conference Center in college. Anyway, take those cooked baked potatoes, scrape them out, mash with cheese and whatever else you want – jam back…

  • Meatloaf, Feetloaf

    Meatloaf, Feetloaf

    When you are making meatloaf but realize it won’t be done in time for those who NEED dinner.. you could make a smaller loaf, or use a muffin tin for tiny muffin-loaf things, or make meatballs. But lately I’ve enjoyed making.. FEETLOAF. They cook fast, and make things a little more interesting. Shape some loaf-mix…