Tag: flowers
Speaking of flowers
It was a weird Summer – took until the end of September before the geraniums really bloomed. As leaves rain down on em!
Still truckin
Two weeks after the first post with this hydrangea, it was in full swing by mid July. Very late compared to everyone else’s. You may spot some imitation alliums in the mix – the blue helped in previous years, when the hydrangea did nothing. For once, the decorations are lost in the blue.
Azalea ready to pop
Many years ago, this miniature azalea was planted along the front walk. For years it has barely clung to life – its been eaten, stepped on, subject to drought and over watering, brutal winters and just about everything else a tiny shrub could endure. This spring it has grown and started blooming more than we’ve…
I don’t have any such blooms here, but at the end of the street there is a house with really impressive old flowering shrubs. Including the biggest rhododendron you could imagine. Nice lilacs there – and Google Photos decided to make them even more colorful. The actual photo isn’t quite as nice:
Good Season
The tulips thrived this Spring. Maybe weather, maybe me slightly losing my marbles and spraying that rotten egg spray daily to keep the rodents away. Or both!
Daffodil Days
It’s been a wet Spring – some sun was out this day. The daffodils were happy! OK the ones down below were not as happy – the wind was crazy, and turning them all in the wrong direction. Note – these were not my flowers – they are planted at a local church.
Winter Shows Up
And the flowers are not pleased. Because Winter already ended! Silly Winter. We could have used much more of this stuff for the last few months. Not in April. Go home, Winter!
Day 19 – Basil Flowers
You are not supposed to let your basil flower – oh well. Makes for interesting photos at least.
Day 13 – Choice – Tomato Madness
Wonder what they were feeding this plant at Costco.. Chicken Bakes? I’ve never seen a tomato plant do this!