Tag: home
Day 28 – Choice – Flowers
I forget what this plant is, but it came with the house, in the front garden. Very cool flowers with the macro!
Day 2 – Green
Winter had set in by early February.. among the few green things left is the andromeda out the window – here, a titmouse takes some shelter from another storm.
Day 7 – Vintage
Vintage effect on a vintage installation at the house. Apparently an outdoor trash receptical that the local pig farmers would come empty for you.
Day 15 – Random Acts of Kindness
A gift from mom, a product of Marcia Duggan (ie, the CapeCodSoul!)- this awesome photo never ceases to make me smile when I see it on the dining room wall.
Day 7 – Choice
My choice of a photo, but not my choice of subject. Couldn’t NOT shoot this stupid tree that fell in the yard. On a sunny (albeit windy) day.