Tag: wtf
So much for that.
The lone bud was extinguished. Gardening is hard, particularly when kids are in the mix!
I’ve Wondered..
What this thing is for ages. Ages and ages. Some ugly weed, for sure, but capable of huge growth in really crummy places. Welp now you can join me in learning – it is called pokeweed. Its bad. Like, it’ll kill you.
July Seems Early
There’s one maple in the neighborhood that jumps the gun every year. Leaves turning on July 23 may have “jumped the shark” as they say..
How You Know
Your dog was probably once a cow. She loves jamming her head into things that would otherwise resemble some kind of stockade or yoke or whatever it is you put a cow’s head into. Weird dog. And now for some food. Also from this day, zucchini fries. Slice, toss in oil, hit with some salt,…
Day 21 – Camouflage
Hmm, looks like a spider is hiding on this stem.. wait.. HOLY #@#%)*& ITS A SPIDER WITH GIANT FANGS.