Tag: dinner

  • Sushi night

    Sushi night

    Kids were away for a night – Kim and I got out for some amazing maki rolls.

  • Dillas


    A simple quesadilla is a common go-to meal around here. Trader Joes tortilla, some meat, cheese, maybe some beans – fry up on both sides and done. Ask Willy and half a tub of sour cream is also needed. And while you have the pan hot, and cheese handy..

  • Meatloaf and Potatoes .. twice baked

    Meatloaf and Potatoes .. twice baked

    Yesterday’s post about the loaf had some potatoes baking as well. The little gourmands here absolutely love twice baked potatoes – pretty sure something I first encountered working at the Marcum Conference Center in college. Anyway, take those cooked baked potatoes, scrape them out, mash with cheese and whatever else you want – jam back…

  • Meatloaf, Feetloaf

    Meatloaf, Feetloaf

    When you are making meatloaf but realize it won’t be done in time for those who NEED dinner.. you could make a smaller loaf, or use a muffin tin for tiny muffin-loaf things, or make meatballs. But lately I’ve enjoyed making.. FEETLOAF. They cook fast, and make things a little more interesting. Shape some loaf-mix…

  • Day 4 – Inside

    Day 4 – Inside

    Uh, something something, I didn’t want to cook outside this day.. so here are inside hotdogs.

  • Day 11 – Food

    Day 11 – Food

    One of those “all Trader Joes” meals. Curry chicken tenders. peas, and jasmine rice. Quick, cheap, simple, and dare I say.. balanced?

  • Day 22 – Holiday Wish List

    Day 22 – Holiday Wish List

    The one and only “spaghetti with clams” courtesy of Alexis. Typically a Christmas Eve tradition, we’d be missing it this year with the new baby.

  • Day 5 – Guess

    Day 5 – Guess

    Guess – what’s for dinner..

  • Day 28 – Recipe

    Day 28 – Recipe

    The real recipe would be sometihng along… 80-85% ground beef, spices (chili powder, cumin, garlic salt, black and red peppers), Worcestershire sauce, favorite cheese. Sprinkle meat with some spices, form patties (without overworking the meat). Sprinkle upward side with spices, lightly rub into the patty. Flip, repeat. Cover with Worcestershire sauce. Form a small indentation on one…

  • Day 8 – Choice

    Day 8 – Choice



    Noah’s dining experience was a little cheerier than a few days ago..

  • Day 5 – Cinco De Mayo

    Day 5 – Cinco De Mayo

    Gringo Pete returns for Cinco De Mayo 2014! Here are some “stuffed peppers” I whipped up with some random stuff in the fridge. Came out very well, shockingly.

  • Day 5 – Food Today

    Day 5 – Food Today

    My birthday was approaching and my brother was in town – so adding the fried egg to this baco-cheese-burger was not an option, it was mandatory.