Tag: red
Day 4 – Signs – that you live in Mass
Beef. Sirloin. Tips. This cut of meat DOES NOT EXIST. But there it is. Invented and wildly consumed, only in this great state of Massachusetts. SPOILER ALERT: “Sirloin tips”, designed to mimic true “steak tips” (still mysterious, but actual trimmings from an actual filet), are nothing more than a fatty sirloin cut into strips. People…
Day 24 – Choice
A rather rough looking cardinal getting a bite to eat in the front yard.. young one, I suspect!
Day 30 – Choice
The windmill getting a workout.. dug it out from the snow and it seemed quite happy.
Day 24 – Recipe
For crying. Noah woke up screaming his brains out – perhaps becauseevil Santa was his nightlight?
Day 9 – Red
Honey Badger food. An experiment that paid off.. meatballs and this sauce.. all Trader Joes.
Day 5 – Best photo today
This was the best of the day. Saw this Japanese maple on my way to work and had to stop to shoot it.. the interesting light and great color made for a very nice shot, if I do say so myself.
Day 28 – Wicked
A wicked cool sunset fired up as I walked out of the building that evening. So wicked that my camera’s sensor was a bit overwhelmed!
Day 6 – Artistic
An artistic shot that just.. showed up. The flag is getting a little faded, but this dragonfly landed to add some fresh color to the scene.