The harbor side of Atlantis is, shockingly called Harborside. And yes, there are many parking spots for .. YACHTS. And normal yachts. We saw a variety of these monster ones, with TVs and house plants and branded electric bikes on the dock. So much money. So.. many.. whys?
Could they park any closer? Do you really park a yacht? I don’t know the term.

We started the day – last full one before departure, by the way – with a “playtime with sea lions”. We never managed to find a way to obtain the photos they were taking of us (did not try hard, prices were likely nuts).. but it was really fun. Everyone in a pool with a sea lion – doing tricks, getting pets, goofing around. Was more fun than a dolphin – says me who has not played with a dolphin. The dolphin experiences were on the same property so we could watch that happen a bit. Did you know sea lions spend 80% of their time on land? That’s more my type of creature.

More interesting news, it RAINED in the Bahamas! February is “Winter” there. Of course, winter in the Caribbean is still pleasant to New Englanders – and boy did we get weird looks. It of course cleared up before noon, so all was not lost.

Being the last real day of vacation – it had that feeling of a Sunday, despite being Saturday. In Sunday fashion, the clouds vanished by 5pm:

Further into the depths of Atlantis – The Dig – the ridiculously incredible aquarium that’s accessible at all hours. Has countless creatures, including these “bigger than Willy” things. Grouper, so the story goes. Goliath Grouper, I believe. Suddenly a ‘fried grouper sandwich’ is way less appealing.

Oh yeah and while its night time, one more moon shot.